Apollo Setup Process


This article describes your first time user setup process. It includes the following topics:


Begin the Setup Process

Apollo has been designed to fit seamlessly into your current timekeeping workflow by adding an intelligent layer on top of your existing process and time entry software. When setting up Apollo for the first time, you will be guided through a few screens that will allow you to make selections to further personalize your experience.

Accessing Apollo can vary based on your configurations, and can involve either providing your email address or using MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) authorization.

  • To access Apollo via email, enter your email and click Personalize to begin your setup.

Figure 1 Personalizing Apollo.png

  • To access Apollo via MSAL authorization, click Sign in with Microsoft and then follow the instructions.


After successfully signing in, you can proceed with Apollo's onboarding pages.


Enable Apollo on Your Everyday Tools

The next step will be to select which applications you want Apollo to capture.

  • Ensure the toggle is on for the applications you want captured and click Next.



Align Apollo to Your Timekeeping Flow

Apollo can capture Activities and Time or Only Activities. This allows you to tailor Apollo’s capture process to align with the way you work. You can change this preference at any time in the Settings page. If you select Only Activities, then Apollo will not track any duration elements, and will only capture the activities themselves that you worked on.

  • Select Activities and Time or Only Activities and click Next.



Select the Preferred Level of Automation

If Apollo integrates with your timekeeping system, you can select your desired level of automation. Otherwise, you will not see this screen.

To send entries to your time entry system, you can either choose Scheduled, which sends all captured entries automatically at a predefined frequency, or Manual, which requires you to manually select which entries to send. If you choose Scheduled, you will have to specify your preferences for sending draft entries to iTimekeep in the next onboarding screen.



Select Entry Type Sending Preferences

If you select to proceed with a scheduled approach, you will also have to define which entries Apollo should send to iTimekeep automatically. To do that, choose Only Assigned Entries or All Entries.

Using cutting-edge AI, Apollo can assign a client / matter to your captured entries with a high level of accuracy. However, in cases where Apollo determines that it is not highly confident in its prediction, it will display the entry as unassigned. Unassigned entries can be manually assigned during the entry review process.


Note: This degree of automation can be pre-configured at the firm level by your IT. In this event, it is possible that this option may be pre-selected for you, and you may not be able to view or select between these options.


Connect Apollo to iTimekeep

The final step in the setup process is to add your iTimekeep login information. This allows Apollo to learn about matter specific rules such as task vs. block billing and to send your captured time and/or activities to iTimekeep as draft entries. If your organization has SSO enabled, you will see a different authentication screen to enter your iTimekeep credentials.

  • Enter Your iTimekeep Email and Password and click Sign in to finish the setup process.


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