Database Setup


This chapter is related to EKS setup only. Do not consider using it with ECS as the provided CloudFormation template will already create database for you.

This chapter includes the following topics:


Creating a Database

Database Selection

All database instance controls for availability zones, replication, maintenance, backup, and recovery functions are managed through Amazon RDS.

Note: Currently only Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL-based databases are supported.


Microsoft SQL Server

ZERO Systems recommends using Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ enabled. However, it may vary depending on the environment type you set up.

To launch an RDS instance, see Create and Connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.


Testing/Demo Environment Setup

  • Version — SQL Server Express
  • DB instance size — db.t3.large or higher
  • Single AZ deployment


Production Environment Setup

  • Version — SQL Server Standard Edition
  • DB instance size — db.t3.large or higher
  • Multi-AZ


PostgreSQL Installation

Zero Systems recommends using Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ enabled. The PostgreSQL install should be version 13.4 or higher with instance type db.t4g.medium or higher. For further information on installing PostgreSQL via RDS, please see Create and Connect to a PostgreSQL Database.

Further guidance:

  • Do proper sizing. ZERO Systems will assist client sizing needs as part of the implementation services provided.
  • Choose the proper instance type for the EKS / ECS cluster and the RDS instance. Predefined values are included in the respective configuration files.
  • Choose proper number of nodes — three by default.

Note: All database-related schemas will be created automatically during initial application startup.

To launch an RDS instance:

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