Integration with iTimekeep
In this article:
- Sending an Entry to iTimekeep
- Sending Multiple Entries to iTimekeep
- Sending Block Billing Entries to iTimekeep
This article provides details about your integration with iTimekeep timekeeping system as well as what functionality is available to you due to that integration. Having integration with a timekeeping system allows you to submit individual or multiple entries to your timekeeping system, as well as manage block-billing entries. Please, note that entries can be sent to iTimekeep manually or on a scheduled basis. You can adjust this setting anytime from your Personalization Settings. For details, see Sending Entries to Timekeeping System.
Additionally, integrating with iTimekeep enables the use of matter-specific rounding rules, resulting in more accurate billing. When the iTimekeep integration is enabled, the rounding rules set in iTimekeep are automatically applied to time entries. If no rounding rules are specified in iTimekeep, Apollo's default rounding rules will be applied instead.
Sending an Entry to iTimekeep
To submit an entry to iTimekeep manually, simply click the Send button located to the right of the entry. The submitted entry will then be displayed in your iTimekeep.
Note: If you have submitted an entry to iTimekeep and later made changes to the same entry, those changes will be automatically reflected in your timekeeping system.
Sending Multiple Entries to iTimekeep
In Apollo, you can manually send multiple entries to your timekeeping system simultaneously. To do this:
- Select the entries that you want to send. The Send to iTimekeep button located at the bottom right of your Review page is activated.
- Click the Send to iTimekeep button. All the selected entries are simultaneously transmitted to your iTimekeep.
Sending Block Billing Entries to iTimekeep
Integration with iTimekeep allows you to manage block-billing entries. If block billing is enabled for a specific matter, the individual activities assigned to that client matter are displayed under the label on your Review page. This allows you to treat all entries under the selected matter as separate entries, meaning you can select, reassign, or remove/restore them separately. However, you can only send them as a single block billing entry, and your timekeeping system will also display them as a single block billing entry.
Additionally, the total duration displayed in a block billing entry will be the sum of the raw durations of its individual entries. In case a rounding option is set, the total duration displayed in a block billing entry will be adjusted according to the applicable rounding rule after the raw durations are added together.
To send block billing entries to iTimekeep, click the Send button located to the right of the entry. The block billing entry will then be displayed in your iTimekeep.
Note: On the History page, you can identify block billing entries by the icon, which distinguishes them from task billing entries.
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